Some DSL/Cable connections are not very reliable. Occasionally it would lose connectivity for minutes or hours at a time. Instead of waiting on the computer for the service to come back up, you can now use Net Shimmer to monitor it. Just set Net Shimmer to a well known web site such as, select the alarm to notify me when the site is up, and start the timer.
When the site becomes available, you will be notified by an alarm. You no longer have to check your computer every few minutes. Net Shimmer does all of the work for you. It can enable you to work on other tasks or to take a break until Net Shimmer sounds the alarm.
Net Shimmer can also alert you when one of your web sites is down. Just set the alarm to notify you when my web site is down. Net Shimmer will monitor the web site continuously to verify that your site is accessible.
Net Shimmer has both audio and visual alerts of the status of the site it is monitoring. It works on any internet connection, such as DSL, cable, wifi, and dial-up.
Net Shimmer Free For Windows [Latest 2022]
Net Shimmer is a Net/Network Monitoring software utility. It features a useful and easy-to-use interface, extensive monitoring features and scheduled action. It monitors and reports connectivity problems. For example, if you lose internet connection, Net Shimmer will notify you. It can also send your mobile phone an SMS message if internet connection is down.
If you are interested in Windows Antivirus or other security products, you can download another free trial here.
Water Treatment System Scripts (File Maker) – Water Treatment System Scripts File Maker. Compatible with: File Maker 16.0
*** VERSION 3.8 : August 30th, 2020 ***
A new script file has been added to this download!
This script has been completely re-written. It was previously only able to log when an item was added to the stock tank. However, it now has the ability to log when an item is removed from the stock tank and the water is added back to it.
The way this works is very simple. If you need water to be added to your stock tank, you need to first log in. To do so, press the log button on the main screen. The log screen will appear where you can enter any information you need to. Note: the stock tank’s water level is automatically shown. However, if the water level is currently full, the water will not be added to the stock tank.
So what happens if you need to remove water from the stock tank? The same process is used, but when you press the log button, you will be given the choice to log the removal of water. The same choices for what to log are available, however, you will need to select the correct water quantity. For example, if you add water to the stock tank, you would want to log „addition.” However, if you remove water from the stock tank, you would want to log „removal.”
This script’s functionality is very versatile and is designed to make your life easier. Simply choose the quantity of water you need to add or remove and press the log button. If you need help with this, just post in the forum.
What you need to do to use this script:
Click on the yellow circle on the right side of the script to install the script.
** This script is for all File Maker users. If you are looking for an upgrade to the „Tank Manager” Script or another File Maker script,
Net Shimmer For Windows
NetShimmer allows users to monitor up to 100 web sites for a variety of conditions including „Abandoned Sites”, „Down Sites”, „Up Sites”, „Changed Sites”, „No Sites”, „All Sites”, and „Unspecific Site”.
Tells you if the site is up or down and when it went up or down
Allows you to have customized messages for various alarms on the site being monitored.
Allows users to monitor many sites at the same time (up to 100).
Includes statistics to track your alarm data and define your parameters.
Includes a text to speech feature so you don’t have to listen to audio alerts.
User reports for each alarm are organized by date, alarms and sites.
Option to send email alerts when one or more sites go down.
Option to send email alerts when one or more sites go up.
Option to alert you by cell phone or pager.
Option to create filters to mask specific sites.
Option to define „safe-zone” periods when you would like to be notified by the program even if the sites in the „safe-zone” are down.
Option to have a „Seek” window that allows you to search by keyword, create a list of keywords, or have all of your sites listed automatically.
Option to download reports to Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format.
Option to define a trigger for when a site is up or down.
Option to define custom alarm parameters.
Option to have a „set by” selection that allows you to define parameters of time of day, date, weekday, and/or month when the alarm will be triggered.
Option to schedule alarms to trigger at intervals.
Option to record the information of a particular alarm.
Option to have alarms activated when one or more sites are down.
Option to record the information of a particular alarm.
Option to have alarms activated when one or more sites are up.
Option to record the information of a particular alarm.
Option to record the information of a particular alarm.
Option to record the information of a particular alarm.
Option to record the information of a particular alarm.
Option to record the information of a particular alarm.
Option to record the information of a particular alarm.
Option to record the information of a particular alarm.
Option to record the information of a particular alarm.
Option to record the information of a particular alarm.
Option to record the information of a particular alarm.
Option to record the information of a particular
Net Shimmer With Key [Updated]
Net Shimmer provides a complete solution for anyone who needs to access a specific web page from their computer. Net Shimmer will warn you when your page is down, and provide your status in the form of audio and visual alerts.
In addition, Net Shimmer will notify you via email when your page is down. You can be notified when your page is back up or when a specified web page is down. For a more convenient interface, Net Shimmer has a command line interface. This means you can run Net Shimmer as a scheduled task or from the command line.
While not extremely configurable, NetShimmer does a decent job at most of the things it does. It’s interface is very simple to use, and there is very limited configuration required. The software can also monitor more than one web site. The limitations of this software are that you cannot specify your own DNS address, and you can’t set up your own port forwarding.
Intuitive Interface:
Net Shimmer is a really intuitive program. There is a simple interface and it’s use is similar to most other software. The main screen shows the time, IP address, web page, and a count of how many times the page was unavailable. The next screen shows a button to bring up the configuration screen. From here, you can set up your own DNS address, port forwarding, you can select the web pages to monitor, as well as a few more options.
The Home Screen:
One of the main purposes of this software is to monitor a website for connectivity, so you will always need the home screen. You can control the program from the main screen, but if you want to check out the site, you would have to go to the configuration screen, click on a site, go to the site, and you are then back at the main screen.
You can choose how many web sites you want to monitor. You can specify the port on which the site is being accessed. You can also specify what type of DNS address is used. You can also set up your own email address.
What’s New:
There has been a lot of work done with this release of NetShimmer. It’s no longer in beta, it’s now in version 1.0. The new features include:
– New GUI
– New DNS Address fields
– New Port Forwarding fields
– New alarm to show the host is no longer available
What’s New in the?
Net Shimmer provides a remote control utility for Net
Shimmer Monitor. It allows you to control Net Shimmer Monitor
from any web browser. The program automatically starts
Net Shimmer Monitor at any time.
Just run NetShimmerMonitor.exe and follow the prompts. NetShimmerMonitor.exe will automatically start NetShimmer Monitor. It does not install any files.
NetShimmer Monitor is not a Windows application. The
file NetShimmerMonitor.exe can be copied to any Windows
drive. The program does not require any special.dll files.
If the following message appears, the registry key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run may
be missing. When this happens, create the registry key
and try running the NetShimmerMonitor.exe again.
Version 1.00 – 12/24/2008
iPad App
Net Shimmer Monitor now supports the iPhone, iPod touch, and the iPad.
You can now control Net Shimmer Monitor from the iPhone, iPod touch, and the iPad.
Views / Views can be set on the device. You can select any view you want.
The view will be saved with the alarm. When Net Shimmer Monitor
is updated, the views will be synced to the device.
I added an option in the Preferences window to allow
users to sync alarms to the device.
I also added a hidden option to show the alarm view on the device.
There is a new option to send alarms to the device when the alarm
view is set to the frontmost view on the device.
I changed the alarm sound to something
different to help with the syncing to the
Updated for 1.2.2
Change log:
1.2.1 – Fixed a bug where the alarm views were not saved when the alarm was changed.
1.2.0 – Added a new alarm sound for alerts that change view.
1.1.4 – Fixed a bug where the alarm views were not saved when the alarm was changed.
1.1.3 – Fixed a bug where alerts would not appear in the monitor.
1.1.2 – Fixed a bug where the alarm views were not saved when the alarm was changed.
1.1.1 – Fixed a bug where the alarm would not change to the alarm view when the alarm is set.
1.1 – Fixed a bug where the alarm views were not saved when the alarm was changed.
1.0.3 – Fixed a bug where the alarm views were not saved when the alarm was changed.
System Requirements For Net Shimmer:
Windows 7+
12 GB Hard Disk Space
NVIDIA 8800+ or ATI 4870 Graphics Card
DirectX 10.0c
Windows XP
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