ISunshare SQL Password Genius Crack+ Product Key For PC [2022-Latest]
An easy solution to deal with forgotten or stolen passwords, iSunShare SQL Password Genius is a safe tool that will let you reset or change the password of all users of a Microsoft SQL Server database without having to log in to the server itself.
– It works great with Microsoft SQL Server database files in the MDF format, even if SQL Server isn’t installed.
– Select the appropriate user and hit the “Change password” button to resolve the issue.
– Select the relevant users and select the “Reset password” button to start a new password reset.
– Reset the master administrator account with ease.
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Do you have an important database that can be exposed to the internet? Safeguard your database with iSunShare SQL Password Genie without resorting to tedious methods, such as long passwords, and have it available in a matter of seconds.
Do you need to re-purpose an existing, secure, database? You’ll need to deploy it with no trace of the old records, leaving no trace of the old system behind, yet you want to keep all the security measures as they were. The new database can be ready in a matter of minutes, with all the information you need for your use.
About iSunshare SQL Password Genius
It’s more or less mandatory to secure personal items and accounts with a password. However, using a unique one for each can lead to loss of seldom-used passwords. Things can get frustrating if it happens to one of your database accounts. Luckily, you can use specialized applications like iSunshare SQL Password Genius to reset or change it.
Reset passwords without contacting the server
It only takes a little while for the application to get deployed on your computer, showing up on the desktop right away. On the bright side of things, you benefit from all it has to offer even if Microsoft SQL Server is not installed on the current PC. Chances are you’re only in possession of the database file of interest, and that’s all you need.
Files under the MDF format can be loaded, with support for Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Express 2014/2012/2008/2005/2000. The list of accounts is displayed in the application as soon as the file loads, with a table displaying the user name and corresponding password.
Select users of interest, including the SA account
This is a pretty reliable solution to reset
ISunshare SQL Password Genius Crack (April-2022)
The application is so easy to use that almost anyone can use it, even those without much experience. The best part is that it only requires the access to a single file – the database. It’s also possible to make the use of the service temporary, or configure the settings to operate on a longer time frame, so if you want to reset passwords from time to time, you’ll be able to do so without worrying about getting locked out.
Reset password with iSunshare SQL Password Genius Crack
The application will scan your file for the user names of users you’ve specified. Then, it will allow you to reset the password to any or all of these accounts, or simply change it to something new.
This software is designed to give you a better understanding of your SQL Server instances and to help you perform maintenance tasks safely.
An easy way to check for server vulnerabilities
Just take a quick look at the problems that the software identifies. It supports all SQL Server editions in different ways, and the process it uses to scan your files is safe, fast, and easy to use.
Detecting security problems
The software will run and analyze the SQL Server files in your PC, looking for errors, and it’s programmed to identify the most common, most critical errors that could lead to loss of data. It does this by monitoring for vulnerabilities in SQL Server editions:
o Microsoft SQL Server 2000
o Microsoft SQL Server 2005
o Microsoft SQL Server 2008
o Microsoft SQL Server 2012
The process is easy and quick, and it should be intuitive enough for even less-experienced users to follow the instructions.
It detects potential problems that could lead to loss of data because of:
o Missing encryption keys
o Intermittent database corruption
o Unsafe passwords
The software will be able to solve most of these problems on its own, without having to ask you to make any specific changes. It might, however, require you to update the relevant encryption keys or passwords.
iSunshare SQL Server Pro is a set of tools, applications, and utilities designed for maintenance, security, and maintenance of SQL Server instances.
The software is designed to display all kinds of errors that can occur when working with SQL Server, and to help you fix them as soon as possible.
A large number of parameters can be adjusted, allowing you to configure the system to run as required.
The software can be used as standalone, or it can integrate
ISunshare SQL Password Genius Full Version
By: Richard DePetrillo
This is a pretty reliable solution to reset or change passwords for users of all kinds in your database without having to actually access the server. You can select one or more items from the list, and hitting reset initiates the process. The application can reset the password for the selected user, just in case you want to remove or change it. More than that, it’s possible to also reset the password to the SA account, which is the master administrator. It’s best leave this account be, unless all other administrator accounts are blocked or inaccessible.
By: Austin Wilson
So you use Active Directory to manage accounts on your SQL Server, but you’re missing one small convenience, the ability to have the program set the password and then allow you to use a different one. Well iSunshare SQL Password Genius can do that for you with SQL Server 2008 and above, with SQL Server Express 2017 and above supported. This has big importance for a number of reasons, such as:
As the technology evolves, this is a great way to support ease-of-use for customers, while still supporting security
It’s a reminder that you should be updating and retraining your users to never reuse passwords
It’s a hassle-free way to reset passwords and add support to existing passwords
Download the app now and start saving you some trouble.
Reset SQL passwords in the office, at home, or wherever you need, with iSunshare SQL Password Genius.
By: Richard DePetrillo
iSunshare SQL Password Genius is a powerful, easy-to-use, high-performance application that allows you to reset the password for selected SQL users, without ever needing to connect to SQL Server. From this point on, the process is automated and streamlined.
When iSunshare SQL Password Genius is first launched, the user is presented with the following screen:
Supported security layers
Microsoft SQL Server is one of the most common ways to run databases for personal data and company data. Thanks to the software, a great number of businesses are able to stay ahead of the game when it comes to maintaining the security of their data. Microsoft SQL Server provides various types of security layers, allowing you to provide and protect your customers with the best and safest methods of security.
An Overview of various security layers for Microsoft SQL Server
Closed: The closed layer is one of the most basic types of security with SQL
What’s New In?
iSunshare SQL Password Genius is a completely automatic program which does all the work for you. It will quickly and reliably reset passwords for all users in a SQL Server database, including the master administrator account.
You can reset the password for the selected user, just in case you want to remove or change it. More than that, it’s possible to also reset the password to the SA account, which is the master administrator.
Why Choose iSunshare SQL Password Genius?
iSunshare SQL Password Genius is a completely automatic program which does all the work for you. It will quickly and reliably reset passwords for all users in a SQL Server database, including the master administrator account.
We tested many tools before we settled on iSunshare SQL Password Genius, we found it to be reliable, simple, and easy to use.
The database file has to be loaded before the software can perform its magic. iSunshare SQL Password Genius is easy to install and setup.
Resetting the password for a user is as simple as selecting the account from a list, and resets to a random password, by default.
You can reset the master SA administrator account password as well.
Why Choose iSunshare SQL Password Genius?
iSunshare SQL Password Genius is a completely automatic program which does all the work for you. It will quickly and reliably reset passwords for all users in a SQL Server database, including the master administrator account.
We tested many tools before we settled on iSunshare SQL Password Genius, we found it to be reliable, simple, and easy to use.
The database file has to be loaded before the software can perform its magic. iSunshare SQL Password Genius is easy to install and setup.
Resetting the password for a user is as simple as selecting the account from a list, and resets to a random password, by default.
You can reset the master SA administrator account password as well.
The program is free, safe, and easy to use.Potential applicability of the 22q11 microdeletion in prenatal diagnosis of congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
This study was carried out in order to assess the potential applicability of the 22q11 microdeletion in the prenatal diagnosis of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), especially in cases where the DiGeorge/Ventriculo-Oral-Skeletal (DGS/VOS) syndrome is ruled out. To this purpose, the possible
System Requirements:
Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Vista
Windows XP Service Pack 3
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4 GHz or better
Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4 GHz or better
Memory: 2GB
Hard Drive: 10 GB available space
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000 with DirectX 11 support
Intel HD Graphics 4000 with DirectX 11 support
DirectX: Version 11